IRRIOT AB, founded in 2017 is a Swedish innovative startup in the forefront of wireless intelligent precision irrigation solutions, the Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture (IoTAg).
The company has a very capable core team of people with experience in founding and scaling businesses, in professional telecommunication networks, startups, product management, business development, marketing, and PR. Advisory board adds more strength in design, branding, farming, finances, legal and growth.
Clean freshwater is an essential ingredient for a healthy human life. A recent study found that, on average, 33 percent of the global population suffers from water scarcity in some form or the other. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may be facing water shortages.
Interestingly, approximately 70 percent of the total volume of water withdrawals in the world are used for irrigation, and that’s precisely where most of the water waste happens, either due to evapotranspiration, land runoff, or simply inefficient, primitive usage methods.

In response to the global water shortage, the concept of Precision Irrigation has been developed. Precision irrigation allows achieving the maximum crop yields at the lowest possible water consumption. It is controlled by a central computer, called an irrigation controller, that knows exactly what, when and for how long to water. This computer controls the magnetic valves, which are spread on a large territory, it knows exactly when to open and to shut the water. The signals from the controller to the valve are typically conveyed over wires laid under the ground.
Our unique solution IRRIOT addresses the issues of mobility and affordability. We use the Long Range radio communication to eliminate all the expensive in-field wiring. Our solar powered watering stations are environmentally friendly and maintenance free. It takes just a couple of minutes to install and remove the post, anywhere within 5-10km.
In the backbone we have a full-scale industrial irrigation controller, including access to IoT Cloud for web-based intelligence, sending alarms, weather forecast, and mobile apps.

Key features of our solution:
- Saving water with precision irrigation at the best possible time
- Saving hundreds of man-hours and eliminating the human factor
- Using renewable power source – solar panels
- Combining sensors data and cloud intelligence to save even more resources
Customers and market size
The most important target group for us, of course, is the agricultural sector, but not only, there are also parks and public areas, cemeteries, sports fields, and everything else that needs to be green. There are currently more than 525 million small farms in the world.
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Smart Farming Market is expected to reach USD 18,81 Billion by 2026 growing at a CAGR of 14.0% during the forecast period. Furthermore, according to MarketsandMarkets the Smart Irrigation market is estimated to be worth USD 825.0 million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 1,755.1 million by 2023, at a CAGR of 16.30% during the forecast period and the Irrigation Controllers market was valued at USD 450.6 Million in 2016 and is projected to reach 1,186.6 Million by 2022, at a CAGR of 17.53% during the forecast period. IRRIOT’s unique solution addressing all of those markets.
The commercial agriculture industry is rapidly becoming one of the most IoT data-driven markets. IoT-powered irrigation tools can be used in lawns, gardens, landscapes and sports fields as well. Total market opportunity worth at least USD 5 billion, IRRIOT is expecting to capture 1-2% of the market share in four years of operations.

Why invest
With global hunger on the rise again, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has issued a sobering forecast on world food production. If global population reaches 9.1 billion by 2050, the FAO says that world food production will need to rise by 70%, and food production in the developing world will need to double.
IRRIOT provides a wireless, self-powered irrigation automation platform with the main goal to significantly reduce water wastage in agriculture, save on electrical bills, eliminate human factor and provide better crop yields in food production for our fast growing population. IRRIOT’s platform combines the power of the latest IoT low power and long-range radio communication technology and the cloud computing. By bridging them, it creates the next generation of smart irrigation solutions.
We are currently looking for socially responsible investors willing to invest in our company. If you are such an investor who wants to invest in IRRIOT, listen to our pitch, discuss terms or request a demo, please use the contact form.